Saturday, November 10, 2007


2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 "To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." In this verse "worthy of his calling" is referring to salvation not neccissarily our career in life. I used this verse though because after researching it a bit, I came across a very good quote that fits where my life is right now...“May God fill you with all that good which is pleasing to him.” (Oldshausen). I like the fact it says "all that good which is pleasing to HIM." Not the good which is pleasing to me...the good which is pleasing to me might be an easy way out. The good which is pleasing to the Lord might be placing me in a host home that I might find a bit stressful...maybe they have young kids that want to wake up at 8am on my day to sleep or maybe I'm just not use to the way they do life. Yet during that time I could easily go crazy the Lord is using it to stretch and grow me...that is "the good which is pleasing to him." That's just my little verse for the week. Moving on...

"Hummer! Hummer!" A word wich is all to familiar. Hummers are a big deal to these kids. From the time they have arrived in the states anytime we are driving they are searching for a hummer and when they find one we all know about it. And so it happened we sang at a church where a host family had a HUMMER! Not just one but two. The kids and I'm not gonna lie some of the Aunties and Uncles were excited. The host family that the car belonged to took girls so three girls got to ride in the hummer. Actually 6 girls because she gave my girls a ride to our host families house because of how excited they were. It was all to cute. Okay I can't lie...I still don't see a hummer as an amazing vehicle I see it as a gas guzzler...but I like the fact that the children get so excited. We took all the kids pics infront of the hummer...they loved it!
I want to share a story on the innocense of these kids. Last night the host family I stayed with had a stuffed animal that talked. It was Eore from Winnie the Pooh. You could press his leg and he would talk. When we pressed his leg he said..."go ahead ask me a question." So Julian just steps right up and says "What is your name?" When he didn't respond she asked again "what is your name?" Then I explained that he was a stuffed animal and could not respond was cute! Two months into it and there are still so many things that haven't been seen, heard or done.

Like I said two months into it. It's hard to believe that two months ago today I landed in Indianna to prepare for my adventure. It seems like it's flown by and yet it also feels as if we've done about six months worth of work in the last two. I would not trade it though...I love it all..the hecticness (if that's not a word it is now), the traveling, meeting new people, seeing new houses, the kids and the other chaperones. I just want to end with one verse...Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps."

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hey! I'm glad that you are having such a great time. I'm sure it's exciting and new every day. It sounds like those kids are a blast to be around. They sound super cute! Things are well here. I'm just trying to be content where I'm at for now. But, overall, I'm so blessed. :) Married life is challenging, but a blessing, and I'm definitely loving every minute of it. :) It's so great to hear from you. Keep having fun and enjoy yourself! Talk with you soon!
