Monday, November 19, 2007

God is good!!!

1 Corinthians 8:6 "yet for us there is one God, the Father from whom are all things and FOR WHOM WE EXIST and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and THROUGH WHOM WE EXIST"

"Auntie my seat belt will not enter." "Okay...keep trying." A few seconds later (Bridget) "God is good Faulanta" (Faulanta) "yes I know" (Bridget) "the seat belt was not entering and the Lord gave me the wisdom (pointing at her head) to fix it."
"Auntie the trees are worshiping God" (Prisca) "What did you say?" "When the trees sway back and forth they are worshiping God." "Yes, you are right."
"Out of the mouths of Babes." How convicting a simple, innocent statement from a child can be. How often do I give God the glory in the big things, much less the small ones. When Prisca mentioned "the trees are worshiping God." I was reminded of my first week of tour. We were driving through Indianna and I looked up at a cluster of trees after I had just finished reading "the trees/creation growns for their redemption." The Lord used that time in my life to remind me how great He is and how we take so much for granted. The trees know the Lord's goodness and cry out while we step over it every day. We exist for God...just think about that statement for awhile!!! I did not create God He created me. I am a bondservant.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is only two days goodness!!! We will be staying at a camp together for a few days, over the thanksgiving holiday. I am very excited. I will miss our annual T-Day football game but hopefully me and the boys will have a place to play our own game of T-Day football. On Friday my mom and grandmother are suppose to be flying up to visit...another exciting event!!! One other exciting event happened last night...I was able to talk to three dear friends on skype...that made my night. I miss you all!
We are now in Nebraska now; we will be heading for Kansas on Wednesday. There is never a dull moment.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

YES Jonathan-1 vs Google account-0! I win!