Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What Mr. President...? No I don't know what county I live in!

Oops...I guess it's been awhile since I've updated this thing. Sorry ya'll. Life has been so busy. To make a long story short...I was able to come home for a short bit... really the entire reason I came home was to go to the State Fair of Texas. No one knew I was coming and still some may not even have realized I was home. I did not get to visit everyone because the trip was so fast. It was fun to be random and spontaneous though. Those are my favorite kind of trips...the unplanned ones.
I flew back into Buffalo, NY and that is where I met up with the choir. It was the day they were crossing the border so once they made it across the border...the entire bus just picked me up at the airport. Once I got in the bus... Barb told me Terese was coming back early from her holiday so we can go to DC. I must have had a puzzled look on my face because she said.. "didn't I tell you about that?" But I think the expression on my face answered that question for her...because she proceeded to tell me that we are scheduled to sing at an International Summit where we will meet the President.

So that was really neat...the following Monday we drove from upstate NY to DC. We don't generally have trips that are that long... but the kids liked ridding in the bus when the sun went down and of course eating McDonalds. So we arrived and my two roommates Erin and Rachel...happened to be driving through DC the exact time we were doing sound check for the event. They were able to meet the kids and hang out just for a bit...I was so excited that some of my friends finally got to meet my choir.

The next day to add to the excitement was the actual performance and afterward a picture with President Bush. That man has at least 16 body guards. We were all taken to a back room and put into position to wait on the President. Four police officers came in and left…I guess to start the car. A few minutes later 8 police officers with big bullet proof vest and large black bags walked in and following them was President Bush and behind President Bush were 8 men in suits and ear pieces. The President came and greeted the children and talked a bit then took a few pictures with us. After the pictures he chatted with us again. He asked were the children were from and then Auntie Susan told him that Stacie and I were from Texas. Now my dad had told me if I get to talk with the President to make sure I tell him I’m from Iredel because he would know where that’s from. So President Bush asked me “where in Texas?” Being the obedient person I am I told him “Iredel…DeSoto” Oh goodness are these places even close to each other….um…no! Anyways…Iredel seemed to ring a bell so he asked me, “What county is that in?” Oopss… I told him… “You know if you hadn’t of asked I could have told you but I can’t think of it right now. It’s on the tip of my head.” I told him it was 50 miles from his ranch…he then asked, “What direction?” Did I know…no I did not…I stuck out my arm and pointed and said “that direction.” Then I said “it’s by Hico, Stephenville, in that area.” He said, “Okay you are west of us.” I said “sure” The he finished by saying, “that’s good country I can’t wait to get back there.” It was really neat just to be able to talk with the President for a little while.

Our last place to stay in New York was Rifton, NY at a place I would equate to a Amish Community; except they had electricity and cars, but they lived in community and no one carried there own money. They shared everything and I know to us that sounds a bit weird and awkward. But I have to say I really enjoyed staying with them. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. Plus everyone had their own responsibilities and chores they took care of. The kids after half a day of school then did crafts. Not the take a paper plate and draw a cute smiley face on it craft...no no... crafts like basket weaving or other crafts that can really be used. The boys learned how to farm. It was just a really neat atmosphere...I wish we could have stayed longer.

We are now in Virgina and making our way to North Carolina where we will have a bit of a break and maybe some downtime.

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