Saturday, February 9, 2008

New York, New York and bit more!!!!

Well let's see...I have grown older since the last time I wrote. Well for my birthday we were in Pincher Creek, BC. It was a Saturday so we got to sleep in a bit and then we all met at the church for breakfast. After breakfast we just hung out a bit and the next thing I know all the kids are carrying a cake that looks like it's on fire towards me. It really did look like it was on fire; all 24 candles had melted almost down to the bottom so all one could see was the flame. They laid it on the table and then all 26 children tackled me!!! I fell to the floor! It was fun...I'm just now starting to get my b-day packages so it's like having my b-day all over again. :)

The past few days have been very busy for us and very exciting. Gucci invited us to New York to sing in the Madonna, UNICEF and Gucci fund raiser. Madonna produced it...she is not very congenial. But we'll get to that later...So Monday we headed to New York, we arrived at midnight New York time and did not get to sleep until 2:30 am. My sister and a friend of hers flew out and met us in New York...I got to spend a lot of time with them...this was the highlight of the trip for me. Tuesday we got to sleep in, I woke up around 9:30 and then Kinnie and Adrianna came over around 10:30. Kyndell's hotel was right across the street from was great!!! Her and Adrianna hung out in the room with us while we ate breakfast (an apple and yogurt since it was so late in the morn). We all got ready and then the two of them ate lunch with the entire Choir...besides just getting to hang out with my sis this was the highlight of my time in New York; Kyndell getting to meet all the kids I work with on a daily basis. After lunch the kids headed to their dress rehearsal and I headed out with Kyndell and Adrianna.

While I was running around New York with Kyndell the kids and the rest of the chaperones were hob knobbing with the celebs...they met and rehearsed with, Rihanna, Timberland (let me be honest I had no idea who this was), Chris Rock and Madonna who was producing the entire thing. The next day the preformed before tons and tons of stars...I saw Madonna who I don't have much to say about...and then Alicia Keys walked by me but I did not know that until someone said "that was Alicia Keys"...but I would not have traded spending the day and half of the next day with my sis...for all of that.

Kyndell, Adrianna and I roamed the streets of New York. First on our list of things to do was go to the Statue of Liberty...this meant getting on the subway. I was okay with that until I actually got on...I do not like the subway...I like to be above ground! But we made it and began to walk to the Ferry. On our way we saw a man dressed up at the statue of Liberty so we went and took a pic...then after taking pics he says "that's $5 per person". WE TOOK THEM WITH OUR OWN CAMERA. I did not pay but Adrianna gave him 5 and Kyndell said "well since you don't have a sign can I give you a 5 for both (me and her) us" We should have just taken off...but now we can say we had a true New York experience. After taking our pics with the fake we headed over to the real Lady Liberty that just stands in one position and doesn't charge to take pics with...just to cross the water to get to her. After visiting the statue Kyndell and Adrianna wanted to go to China town.

I just wanted to get off the subway...but they talked me into going to China town...and I'm glad they did...I got a hat and scarf along with a couple of other things. Those I can't mention I think it was illegal...;) When we were out of money we headed back to our side of New York, we grabbed dinner (everything is expensive in New York) then we went to Toys "R" Us, M&M and then the Hershey's store. Then it was back to meet the kids and put them to bed for the night. (I had to get glasses so I decided to throw a pic of my new glasses in as well)

The next morning the kids had to be at a practice at 9 so breakfast was at 7:30...I had the morning off to spend with Kyndell. I took the kids downstairs and headed back to my room where I waited on Kyndell to call. Her and Adrianna went to the Good Morning America show and they were on TV. When that was over she called and I met them at their hotel. Adam met us there and then we walked to 5th Ave and looked at the stores. There was a diamond ring at Harry Winston’s that was 7K's it was $1 million...then where did we go...oh that's right to the subway. We went to Central Park, FAO Schwartz...which was across from the Hotel in Home Alone. Then it was off to the Manhattan Mall. Then I needed to head to the UN for rehearsal. They walked me half way then I walked from 45th St. and 5th Av to 45th st and 1 Av...IN HEALS!!!

Just for the record New York is not the place to forget your shoes and only bring house shoes and heals...all I wore the day and a half I walked around New York were heals...I don't even wear heals to begin with. My feet are still swollen.

Well we sang that night before a star studded audience (literally) then it was back to the hotel. Kyndell came and hung out for about an hour then had to say good bye that was hard...I'm ready to come home and see everyone! Then we got ready because we had to be up at 4:00 am that morn...I got a phone call at 3:30 am as a wake up call...Then we took off for a long and bumpy day of travel.

We are now back in BC and Praise the Lord there is no snow only rain and warm weather. By warm I mean in the 40's and 50's...maybe even 60's...but that's probably pushing it.

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