Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas already!!!!

Wow...Christmas is right around the corner!! What? four more days?!?!?! It's been a little while since I've updated my blog. Life has been great, chaotic, busy, entertaining and full of snow and ice.

A couple of weeks ago we were in a Salina, KS...a small town. Monday night an ice storm blew in...I have never seen so much ice. Tuesday morning we did not have to go into church because of how bad the ice was. I must confess this did not bother me to much seeing as I was able to sleep in!!! I woke up around 9:30ish to no power and ice cycles hanging from every tree, house, pole, etc...that I could see. I didn't realize how dependent I am on power until it went out. After I woke up I washed my hair. I set everything up to get ready to dry my hair, plugged the dryer in and flipped the switch, after which I remembered we have no electricity. So now I had wet hair, no electricity and very cold weather. Around one we went to a house that had electricity to bake cookies, etc... We came back to our house around 5, there was still no electricity and apparently the fire had gotten out of control ergo there was smoke all in the house; not fun for my allergies. Some friends of the host family came over and we ended up going over there, we picked up two of the boys on the way because their electricity had gone out as well.

The next day, a Wednesday, we headed for Nebraska. (We are making our trek north to Canada now) I thought we would be leaving the ice...which indeed we did to enter snow. The only time I've seen that much snow is when there is a pair of skis attached to my feet. I'm not use to seeing so much snow and not taking a tumble down it. Oh, let me take that back, I did get to take a tumble. In one of the cities in KS...they had a little ice one night. We arrived at the church the next morning and the host auntie told the kids to be careful because there was ice on the ground. I almost turned around to re-emphasize the point. But I decided not to say anything and to take my cup of coffee and get out myself. Upon opening the door I put my foot out and it did not stop moving until my coffee flew in the air and but butt landed on the ground. Glad the kids were safe!

We will be in Nebraska until after the New Year. Next week well actually starting Monday, we will be at a camp in somewhere in North Nebraska. I am looking forward to it. We are suppose to go bowling, maybe ice skating...although that does not look at promising now, to the zoo (it's mainly in door). I think this will be my first white Christmas ever. It will be a new experience!

Some things I've learned on tour: Apparently cooking pans are not microwave safe...I thought everything was. In one host family the Auntie had to leave early so it was my job to make the girls breakfast and get to church. (She let me drive the car) She left oatmeal or cereal out. Well there was no milk so that narrowed the choice down quite a bit. Okay oatmeal...didn't have time for the stove top kind so...I put water in the pan she left out for us and stuck it in the microwave. A few seconds later a brilliant light and a loud pop came from the microwave...I opened the door as fast as I could...they now have a burnt black spot on the back of there microwave. I wanted to leave something for them to remember us by. While I'm on the topic things I've learned on tour let me just add things you don't want to hear on tour: When meeting your host family for the first time..."Oh, I thought we were getting boys..." Or..."hope you don't mind sleeping on an air mattress." (Which honestly I don't mind)...those are just a couple of the popular lines we hear when meeting out host families.

Well we leave for our Christmas camp tomorrow...I'll try to update this after camp...hopefully it will be sooner than a month!

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