Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tour Life part 2

It's been a month since I arrived back home to tour! I really do have two is stationary in Texas...the other is a giant bus that travels across North America. Being home increased my passion and love for tour all the more.

Being home for holiday was great...but I realized how much I miss these kids and love tour life. I can't think of anything better to be doing in life that what I'm doing right now. Maybe a week after I was back, we sang at a church that planned a soccer game for us with a local city team. Someone donated uniforms, the real deal uniforms to all our kids plus all the chaperones. Shirts, shorts, socks, the whole sha-bang. Our boys plus Enid played against the team while the rest of the kids cheered. It was so much fun. Our kids had never played as a full team together before...but they really stepped up to the challange and tied the city team 3 to 3. It was a lot of fun!

About a week ago we had a week off at camp. It was great! The weather was finally hot enough where I could wear shorts and tank tops! I even got a little tan...that's right tan not burn!!! (Read it and weep Cass...;) ) We went canoeing, swimming in the lake, played soccer against the camp counselors. Which again the boys and Enid tied 6 to 6! We were at camp for two very important dates June 30 - July 5. The two dates being July 1st which is Canada day and July 4th which is of course independence day. Jacob asked me what the difference between the two were. I explained that Canada day is to celebrate the day Canada was recognized as a country. Then I explained that Independence Day was to celebrate America receiving it's Independance after a war. He asked something along the lines of why did Canada not have a war. I explained the Canadians don't like to fight! Jacob asked...why don't Canadian's like to fight...I told him to go ask Uncle Vic...whose from Alberta. Uncle Vic had a little laugh and then sent him back to me with some sarcastic remark that escapes my head right now! For the Canada celebration we had a firecracker show...I would not call it a firework show because they were not big at all. It was a bunch of bottle rockets and roman candles stuck in the ground...but the kids loved it and I at least got in some fireworks for the holiday!

Now we are in Brantford, ON. Just moving right along...I'm enjoying tour life even more now being back on tour after holiday. I have decided to spend more time with the kids and host families before ever getting on the internet and it has really payed off! I've enjoyed all the more the time I have with the kids and have really met some neat people in the host families.

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