Wednesday, April 30, 2008

8 Months Already?!?!

Oh where to begin...As I look back on my blogs I realized I use to be better at updating this thing than I am now...oh well.

Last week at this time we were in Ft. McMurray where we had to have a snow day because of all the snow. We were suppose to stay three night and we had to stay four. We had a day off a day to play in the snow...IN APRIL!!! It was crazy they had about 2 feet of snow at the end of APRIL!!! Is that not crazy?!

I want to tell you a story of what happened this past week. A week or so ago we asked the kids to pray that we get a dentist soon. The kids prayed and a week later we had a dentist. Rosette stayed with a dentist and he offered to have a look at all the children. Before concert on Sunday morning he came in with a flashlight and looked at everychild...He recruited the help of 2 of his friends and Monday all the children had dental appointments. I went with a group of four Anna, Marvin, Jackie and Ibrahim as well as Uncle David. He filled every cavity and pulled every rotten tooth. Our dentist name was Dr. Roth...his dental hygenist was Tera...they were such a blessing. At least 6 straigh hours of dental break or anything and it was all done for free!!! FOR FREE!!!! Anna and Ibra were the first ones up...They both had to have three teeth pulled and some cavities filled. They were both very brave...Anna did shed big crocadile tears. They pulled one of her teeth and she began to ball...So I got up to calm her down and talk to her...we needed to know if she was in shock or in pain. I got up stood next to her got her to calm down and then began to feel dizy. I asked...standing in the room feeling like it was about to spin or I was about to fall... "do you have any water?" They looked at me and asked "are you are really white." I had not eaten and I think that was the contributing factor...although if you know me well you are probably thinking it was the tooth being pulled! But I'm saying it was the fact I had not eaten. So David and I switched, I ate my sandwich and I was good to go. They even offered to have a look at my teeth...they said it was no fair all I got to do was come and get light headed. I told them that was very kind but I'm okay...really I did not want to get a shot's been years since I've been to the dentist.

These Dr's truly blessed me and as I was going back into my blog archives I was reminded of when I first came on tour. My main goal and objective and hearts desire was to bless people, to be a blessing. I think somewhere along the road I lost that focus. Tour Life is great! But it's very easy to want to get away. What I mean by that is you arrive at your fourth host family for the week and it's a one night stay. A saturday night stay for example...and all you want to do is seclude yourself. That is okay every now and then but if I do that all the time...I think I miss out I really need to find a balance. I really love tour life as crazy as it seems...I wish I could explain it better. It is something you have to experience to know though. One day in tour life is like one week in "real" life. So many things happen in one 24 hour period. Take Monday for example...or even this week...

Sunday night we had a concert and Monday morning it was up at 6am to be at the church by 7:30 to be downtown at the TV station by 8:30...The kids changed into their dance costumes, warmed up and then by 9:30 the were on TV. On Breakfast's the equivalent to our Good Morning America...Once they sang there last songs it was to the changing rooms to change and back on the bus. Back to the church where we were picked up by all the different drivers to take us to the three differnt dentist once in the dentist office we hit the ground running. Two kids at a time had their teeth worked on as chaperones we were there for support wich I found is quite drainnig...then it was back to the church where we got picked up about 6pm. Next day I was up at 6 again to get one of my girls to the dentist who still needed to go. At the church at 8:45 and began the mail packet wich is something I send out once a week that is quite a lengthy process most least half the day. After that it was time to teach school the rest of the day. That evening all the staff went out for staff night out...which was really fun...Day three got to sleep in till 7 am well after I shut my door at 6 so I would stop hearing the dog walk back in forth in front of my room. Day three was pretty normal arrive at church, head to another church, get ready and do a concert. Tour Life is crazy but completly worth it.

One more thing...We have devotions everymorning and to end devotions the kids always pray. They pray outloud to themselves. I never really pray outloud with them...don't know why really I just listen to them. Today though I thought why don't I pray outloud with them. Does it seem childish...since they are all children praying...I thought to myself...well I think if I was in a group of adults and they were all praying outloud I would join in then. Then I must first be like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven...

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