Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Psalms 95:1 "Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!" I know there are many different types of joyful noises but I do believe one noise that falls into the joyful category is laughter. I have been surrounded by laughter. I love to hear the children laugh, it makes my heart glad! Anna Banana has pretty much one of the cutest laughs I have ever heard. Granted sometimes I have no idea what she is laughing about but when she laughs it is contagious.

Last night we went to a water park...that's right I said Water Park. We are in North Dakota. We walked into the water park with coats and hats then we prepared to swim. The kids loved it. There was a slide that would spit us out into a giant circle and we would spin around about three times and then be shot out the rest of the way. The kids loved it. The Aunties would take turns taking a child down. They were two man tubes.
Today we had about a 3 and 1/2 hour drive. So... we treated the kids to a movie... one of my favs...The Jungle Book. It was a hit! They were laughing at the movie as well as imitating different scenes. I was still getting questions about the movie tonight after the concert. We might be singing the Bear Necessities for awhile now. Maybe it can become one of our concert songs... I wouldn't mind that.

I have to say the past month or the past five weeks has been a joy and a blessing. I've never been so sure I am where the Lord wants me for the time being. He has given me the strength, patience, understanding, and everything else I need. He is my supply and of that supply I will never run out. I'm not saying I am always raring to go and exploding with energy... oh no, no, no... But when I'm tired I soon get rest. The mornings might be the hardest for me, having to wake up and all... but then I am greeted by the kids with hugs and smiles and I remember where the Lord has me and the purpose of my life right now.
I have a couple of food stories. Before concerts churches prepare us meals. We were all eating our meal before concert and I looked at Joseph, who was sitting across from me, and he said, "I can not finish." I asked "why" He replied "it is to good." He then took a piece of meat enough for one bit and turned it into 7. I laughed and turned to tell Beth who said, "Yeah, that's what you do back home because you don't know when you will have another meal like that." I stopped laughing and began to think. We take so much for granted here in the U.S. Nothing we have really belongs to us nor did we do anything to deserve the luxuries we have. Then Christine was asked if she wanted to go back for more to which she responded, "The heart is willing but the body if full." I love this answer!
The picture below is Auntie Rosette and Auntie Beth. I just thought it was a cute picture. Now when some of you here me say names you can have faces to put with them.

Nathan and Ryan...this is for you. I miss you both. I also miss frisbee golf so whenever the next time I am home is you both better be there so we can go play.


Joi said...

Love your notes, what a great Spirit.

Love you,

Auntie Joi

Unknown said...

It is refreshing to hear you say you feel peace with where the Lord has you. He is faithful to reveal and remind us of His faithfulness!!