Monday, October 1, 2007


Imagine if you can... a child who grows up in the west. Able to go to school from 8am to 3pm. Maybe that child is also involved in a sports activity after school. After the days events the child is picked up in a nice warm car and drove home. Upon reaching home there are countless things to entertain himself with. Maybe basketball, playstation, computer, etc... A nice warm dinner that someone, more than likely mom, has cooked. Then after dinner a nice warm bed to sleep in and to wake up in the next day and start the days activities all over again.
Now picture a child who is not privledged with such luxeries. This child wakes up at 4am to be at school by 5am. Class does not end until 10pm and he does not get home until 11pm. When this child is on the way home he sees where warring tribes have ravaged his home/village. They have set fire to stores, homes, and huts. Yet this child still goes home to wake up the next morning to start his day all over again as well.
Is it not the Grace of God to allow both of these children to live where they live? This is the question I have been pondering the last week. Maybe you can ponder it as well and let me know your answer. The Lord allows us to live when truly our rebellious, mocking tendensies most the time spit in His face; that is grace. He allows us to come to the relization of who he is this is also His mercy and grace. Both children have advantages and disadvantages but both are under the mercy and grace of the Lord.

That is my little tid bit of thought for the past week. Now on to an exciting piece of information. The kids where asked to sing for Bono as he recieved the Liberty Medal for his work in Africa. President Bush Sr. was awarding the medal. The children were the closing act and they stole the show. Mr. Bush even did a little jig in his chair while the kids performed. Bono sang along in his chair and then we all crossed paths backstage. It was a neat experience.
Well I am about to go teach my first social studies class so I must wrap this blog up. While there is so much more I could write this will have to suffice for now.


Rachel said...

Your post made me think of the Alli Rogers song 'Tanzania'...have you heard it?

delightedbyhim said...

Hey deep thinker! It was so good to talk to you tonight :-)
I like your entry - especially the pictures!
I just read a missions update email, so I feel like I should speak to you in code about things of our 'Father' haha
So - apparently I have one of these blogs but I have never used it. weird. This is Bonnie by the way :-)
Love you!