Saturday, September 20, 2008

One Year

It's already been over a year since this crazy road trip that not amazing! I think so...

Over the last few weeks we've done some pretty neat things. We took the kids to see Niagra falls. That was a lot of fun. We went on a boat ride, Maid of the Mist, it took us right up to the falls. I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous...when there is water hurling down at who knows what rate over these massive falls and some guys voice on the intercom on the boat telling you the water is 180 ft. deep please do not get to close to the's not an easy feeling but it was a lot of fun.
After Niagra we headed to Toronto. Being in Toronto was a busy time for us. The kids sang at an event called's a non-profit organization that helps countries around the world. Something like that. We arrived in Toronto and stayed at the fairmont hotel...I saw Sawyer from LOST when I was walking through the Lobby. We arrived at the venue and walked the red carpet. Once by ourselves and the kids sang a song, again with Matt Damon and then the last time with John Legend and Wycliff Jean. If you are like me you are probably wondering who John Legend and Wycliff Jean are....they are apparently really popular R&B singers. The kids sang with a 14 year old girl her name is Nikki Yonofsky...she was amazing...the kids also sang with a group called the Canadian Tenors...they were also amazing. Probably my favorite people from that evening. They really seemed to enjoy the time they spent with the kids...they were a lot of fun. We of course overwhelmed everyone in the swimming area...when we all walked in with 26 children in tow...we cleared the area out really fast...which was fun for all of us. The chlorine in that pool was so vision was blurry the rest of the day.

We also took the children to the Canadian Parliment...that was pretty neat as well. It was quite impressive...that was in Ottawa, ON. While we were there we got the kids to stand in front of the parliment building so we could take a group shot. But apperantly everyone else wanted a group shot with our kids as well. People would just come hand their camera to their friend and stand behind the kids. It was crazy we really had to wait a few minutes for all these random people to leave and stop taking photos so we could take our own group that not nuts!
A quick story: the other day Terese was leading devotions and the story talked about mopeing around. She asked the children do you know what it means to mope? Faulanta raised her hand and stood up and said "Yes, Auntie it is when you have that stick with the white stuff and the end and you clean/mop the floor" We all had a laugh at the cuteness of that. We have such great children.

We have now done over 200 concerts and have another 2 coming up tomorrow...on the road again..