Saturday, September 22, 2007

Touring Iowa

"I thank Him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to His service." 1 Timothy 1:12
Where to begin...truly my strength is not my own. It feels like we put a months worth of travel into one week. I shall give a brief itenary of what we do...rather how the last five or so days have gone.
We left camp on Wednesday morning and arrived at our first church in Davenport Iowa, that afternoon. We had our first concert that night; I feel it went very well. We packed a 600 seat auditorim with about 700. After the concert we met our host families went home and went to bed. That would be at about 10 or 11 at night. We were at the church the next morning at 8:45 to begin our day. Packing it with, chicken pox shots, school, lunch and a bit of play time. Then we went back home with our host families for the night. The next morning we arrived at the church at the same time and left the church around noon to head to our next destination, Iowa City, Iowa. We had a performance that night. A four hundred seat auditorium with about 500. After the concert we went home with our new host families. Again it was straight to bed. Luckily the next morning we could sleep in. I slept till 8:30 (I must be getting old :) ) All the host families from that church wanted to meet at a park; so all of us met at a park, played and had lunch. After lunch we all headed for the church and then out for our next church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. That was only a 40 min drive. After arriving it was nap time. Not for me however. Once we arrive at a church that's when I start all my paper work. Assigning chaperones to children and then assigning host families. Finishing up the offering, product and sponsorship count, etc... We arrive on Saturday night to spend the night with the host family of the church where we will be singing at Sunday morning. That is where we are now. We have 2 concerts in the morning. After those concerts we have a few minutes drive to our other church where we will do one more concert and stay the night with a new host family from there. Normally that is a three night stay but this time it will be a two night stay. Since we head to Philly early Wed. morning. (More on that later) So that has been the last four days plus our day tomorrow.
It is neat to see so many firsts. We were looking out over a lake the other day and a man was standing in his boat. Jacob said "Auntie look that man is standing on water." I couldn't help but laugh and then explain it was a boat. Another first: After meeting our host family on Wed. night they told us they would like to take us out on the Mississippi River for a boat ride. The girls were very excited about that. There were three of them: Sara, Bridget and Faulanta. Then the husband of the host family told me I could try to water ski and of course the children wanted to see that. Since it is all for the children I went ahead and water skied. I would just like to say water skiing is much harder than it looks. I did not make it up till my very last time to try...but I did make it up. The girls had a blast!
I probably could think of much more to write but it is getting late and I need to be up at six tomorrow. So I shall call it quits for tonight.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's the Little things

"Auntie, Auntie look at my pajamas!" "Auntie, Auntie look at what the Lord has given us!" "Auntie, Auntie don't I look smart!" (Smart = Beautiful) These are the phrases the children would say with excitment as they found there new bags with there very own items in them.
My job began Tuesday evening. We arrived at the camp in Indianna a day early. Our job was to prepare the rooms and bags for the children. We packed bags, equivalent to athletic bags, with items such as underwear, tank tops, socks and a tolietry bag as well. Five pair each. We layed the bag along with a nap blacket on the Children's beds, in preperation for when they arrived wednesday.
Wednesday the adventure began. The chilren along with the African chaperone's arrived. We picked them up at Chicago's O'Hare International airport. We loaded the bus and drove through Chicago to arrive at our camp in Indianna. The Children's eyes were wide as we passed tall buildings, billboards, other cars...especially hummers. (By the way Chicago is pronounced Chee-cago; at least by the children) We arrived at our camp and the surprises began.
There first surprise was the bag I mentioned previously. And what a surprise it was. It would be an injustice to compare it to our Christmas gifts because we are thankful for things but most the time we are not truly grateful. There is quite a difference and these kids were truly grateful! They had no idea the next day they would be recieving new outfits as well. Bear in mind the only thing they came over with was the clothes on there back. Thursday we were all assigned three or four children and we fitted them with clothes that had been donated. Nice clothes. The children were so excited. "Auntie, Auntie these are my best clothes. I am going to wear them again tomorrow!" They were so grateful! And there was still more to come. Friday we took them shopping for new shoes. Shoes are a big deal to Africans. They take care of their shoes like we take care of our vehicles... like some of us who care about our vehicles take care of our vehicles. To top it all off after our outting to Wal-Mart we bought ice-cream/popcicles from the store next door and oh how the children enjoyed those.
Soft grass, hot showers, warm beds, beds we don't have to share, toothpaste, lotion we do not have to share, toilets that flush, food and plenty of it at our finger tips, etc... all things we take for granted. One boy said, "Auntie the grass is so soft I could roll in it!" One girl, said "Auntie look at what the Lord has given me." That quote has resonated in my head. All these things we take for granted as Americans and truly the ONLY reason we have them is because the Lord blesses us with them. He does not have to. He is the Lord and he will show mercy to whom He shows mercy. I am gratefull and becoming more grateful for the little things...especially as the Lord reveals Himself in the little things. I had asked the Lord to make me grateful for the small things and he sent me the African
Children's Choir.

Truly is blogging this simple

This is my test blog... this is only a test... Is it working? Is it working? How do I put pictures up on this thing? hm...